To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers
in Christ,
Welcome to
Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass celebration. As we celebrate the 27th Sunday in
the Ordinary Time today, we listen to Christ telling us how important and vital
the family is for humanity both as individuals and communities. Christian marriage, the union between a male
believer and a female believer, becomes the symbol of the union between Christ
and His Holy Church. This union is,
therefore, unbreakable as declared by Christ: “What God has joined together, no
human being must separate.”
We pray for
high respect and heartfelt support for the holiness of family life.
Today we
remember Saint Francis of Assisi, the beloved Patron of animals and
environment. We pray for Pope Francis
who is leading efforts to safeguard the earth, our common home, from countless
forms of pollution and destruction.
We also
recognize this month of October as the precious moments for us to pray the
Rosary in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mother.
We pray for the blessing of becoming faithful like Her in listening
carefully to the Word of God, keeping it in our heart, and putting it into
Please all stand and sing
the entrance hymn.
To the Readings
First Reading Gn 2:18-24
It is God Who created man and woman in
His image and united them in marriage in order for them to achieve the fullness
of their calling: filling the earth with God’s children who know well how to
love and serve their Heavenly Father and sisters and brothers.
b) Second Reading Heb 2:9-11
Christ Jesus, Son of God though, became
one among us sinners in order to save and lift His human sisters and brothers
to the dignity of coheirs to eternal life.
B. Hymns for Holy Mass
1/ Entrance: Sing to The Mountains (EM # 148)
2/ Respondsorial Psalm: EM Page 212
3/ Offertory: Our Blessing Cup (EM # 158)
4/ Communion: Prayer of Saint Francis (EM # 266)
5/ Recessional: Hail, Holy Queen (EM # 303)