Tìm Kiếm

29 tháng 11, 2014

I Sunday of Advent—Year B (November 30, 2014)

A.     Introduction

a)      To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the celebration of our Sunday Holy Mass.  This Sunday is the First of Advent Season, the starting point of the new Liturgical Year 2015.
We are called by the Church to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord.  The Lord, the Savior, Jesus Christ, already came in history twenty centuries ago.  We celebrate His Birthday every year on December 25. However, because of His promise that He will come again, we keep waiting for Him.
We pray hard in this Holy Mass to the Lord God for the blessing of understanding of Christ’s Good News so as to be ready not only on His Birthday, but also and above all at His Second Coming in glory.
Please all stand for the entrance hymn.

b)     To the Readings
-          First Reading 63:13-17; 64:1.3-8
Because of sin, the whole humankind has suffered different forms of evil, both physical, moral and spiritual.  People thirst for true deliverance from the power of sin and death.  Only the merciful God can save man and set him free.

-          Second Reading 1 Cor 1: 3-9
Christians were liberated by Christ from sin and death.  They should wait for His Coming Again not by remaining idle but by doing their best in conducting a morally good life, worthy of His salvation.

B.      Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: Now is the Time  (EM #99)
b) Offertory: Our Blessing Cup (EM #144)
c) Communion: There is a Longing (EM #209)
d)  Recessional: Hail, Holy Queen (EM #286)