Tìm Kiếm

9 tháng 1, 2016

Baptism of the Lord - C (Jan 10, 2016)

A.     Introduction

a)      To the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for our Sunday Holy Mass celebration.  We celebrate the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ today to mark the start of His mission on earth.  God the Father blessed Christ with the recognition that the latter was officially sent to bring the salvation message to humanity.  We are thankful to God for the gift of new life through the Sacrament of Baptism.  We, too, are officially sent by the Church to bring God’s message of mercy to the world.
We pray in this Holy Mass for the blessing of faith with which we are able to become trustworthy witnesses to Christ’s saving word.
Please all stand for the entrance hymn.         

b)     To the Readings
-          First Reading Is 40:1-5.9-11
To the people of Jerusalem, the Prophet Isaiah announces the good news of freedom and pardon.  More importantly it is now the time for the Lord God to care for His children with precious rewards to those who have been faithful.     

-          Second Reading Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7
Saint Paul urges Christians to be grateful to God the Father for His love and mercy demonstrated in the salvation plan accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ.

B.      Hymns for Holy Mass
a/ Entrance: Now Is The Time (ES #122)
b/ Respondsorial Psalm: EM page 57
c/ Offertory: Worthy Is The Lamb (ES #109)
d/ Communion: These Alone Are Enough  (ES #209)
e/ Recessional: Open My Eyes (ES #207)