Tìm Kiếm

23 tháng 11, 2013

Christ The King of The Universe

Christ The King of The Universe
(Last Sunday in ordinary Time-Year C)

A.    Introduction to the Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
As the liturgical year comes to an end this Sunday, the Church honors Our Lord Jesus Christ as the King to Whom the universe bowing down worships with praise, glory, and love.  He is the Savior Who by His Blood freed humanity from sin and death.  He is the Master of history Who with divine power brings God’s creation to its fullness.  He is the merciful Judge Who will come to grant believers eternal life.
Kindly all stand to sing the entrance hymn.

B.    Introduction tho the Readings
a)     First Reading 2 Sm 5:1-3
King David was anointed by the Lord God to be leader of Israel, the Chosen People, not to dominate but take care of them in the role of a shepherd.  This picture of Christian leadership becomes clearer when Christ tells His audience that He has come not to be served but to serve people and offer His life for them.
b)    Second Reading Col 1:12-20
Unlike rulers of the world who come to power through violence and the sword want their subjects to pay them back for the hardship which the former might have suffered, Christ reigns with love for all over humankind and creation which He has conquered through the sacrifice of His life.

Hymns for Holy Mass
1/ Entrance: Worthy Is The Lamb (EM # 90)
2/ Responsorial: Let Us Go To The Altar (EM # 140)
3/ Offertory: All Good Gifts (EM # 198)
4/ Communion: O God, You Search Me (EM # 207)
5/ Recessional: He is The Lord (EM # 191)