Tìm Kiếm

17 tháng 2, 2014

Homily for the VI Sunday In Ordinary Time A (February 16, 2014)

I Have Come Not To Abolish But To Fulfill” 
(see Mt 5:17-37)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
In this Sunday Gospel, Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us the truth that there is no breakup of God’s law.  The continuation of divine legal system remains valid from the Old Testament to the New Testament.  Both Old Testament and New Testament are ordered by God the Creator and Savior for humanity to know the way leading to life ever happy.
Old Testament law was founded, thousands of years ago, on the principle of justice in order to educate a humanity still in early age.  It is amazing to discover the far advanced civilization of God’s Chosen People surrounded by a world walking in the darkness of ignorance and brutality.  They were taught to treat one another with respect, compassion and equality.  This they had to do to countrymen and foreigners alike.  They just practiced what we are now struggling for to improve human rights for all peoples.  They had to take good care of the animals and the natural environment.  They just did what we are now trying to work for a sustainable development of our world.  They already knew how to worship the one and true God with praise and glory due Him.  God’s Commandments were the sublime standard for their social, cultural, moral and spiritual values.
The law of justice, however helpful and necessary for peace and order in the world, cannot lift up men and women to higher and better life conditions which make them more human.  It is not material comforts such as money, possessions and power that make a person more human.  It is love that can satisfy people’s profound thirst for being fulfilled in life.
Man was created after God’s image.  Man bears in his heart the most essential traits of divine nature which Saint John describes in his First Letter, Chapter 1, verse 16: “God is Love.”  Christ came to bring what we need most: the Gospel of love that would show us the way to the full achievement of our life. 
We may build up with the law of justice alone a just society where no more crimes, suffering, injustices could be found.  However, without love that just society could be everything but a human family with a sensitive, compassionate, and caring heart.
We may establish with the law of justice alone a powerful religion where believers are well-disciplined, united, obedient and holy.  However, without love that most revered religion could be everything but a living temple where God is praised and glorified by His loving children.
This is why Our Lord’s message for us today reads: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.  I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.”               

Fr. Francis Nguyen, O.P.