Tìm Kiếm

15 tháng 10, 2014

Song of the Week: XXIXSunday in Ordinary Time A (Oct 19, 2014)

a) Entrance: Let Us Go To The Altar (EM #138)
b) Responsorial Psalm: EM Page 211

c) Offertory: The God of All Grace (EM #266)

d) Communion: To Praise You (EM #210)
 (vui lòng bấm đến phút 1:29 để bắt đầu nghe...)

e)  Recessional: Salve, Regina (EM #282) 
Hail, Mary, mother and Queen of tender mercy, our life, our comfort, and our hope, we hail you.
From this foreign land, Eve’s sons and daughters cry to you.
So lost, so full of fear, we mourn, we grieve, we sigh from this tearful vale of exile.
Ah, then, our help, our advocate and guide, turn now to us the gaze of you all loving eyes, so full of mercy.
And Jesus your Son, and Lord, your womb’s most blessed fruit show him to us when we complete our sojourn.
O gentle, o loving, o beloved, o Virgin Mary.
(Plainchant, Mode V)