A. Introduction
a) To the Holy Mass
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
we celebrate the 28th Sunday in the Ordinary Time, the Gospel
message tells us that God loves all peoples so much. God sent His Only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
to cure the sick, to raise the dead, to forgive sinners. Finally, through His sacrifice on the cross, Christ brought humanity to decisive healing and eternal life.
should for this reason always give praise, glory and thanksgiving to God for
His great love clearly showed in Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. In this Holy Mass we ask Christ Our Lord to
help us offering God worthy act of worship and adoration.
all stand for the entrance hymn.
b) To the Readings
First Reading 2 Kgs
the eyes of the Israelites God only loves the people whom He has chosen to be
heirs of the Promised Land. However, God
shows them evidences that He wants to care for all peoples. Through the Prophet Elisha, the saving power
of Yahweh God has reached out to the Gentiles.
Second Reading 2 Tim
is love. His love knows no limits in
granting blessing and salvation to humankind. Saint Paul has his own way to express that very encouraging truth,
writing down: “The Word of God is not chained.” The burden of whether or not people can be saved rests on their own
B. Hymns for Holy Mass
a) Entrance: This Day Was Made By The Lord (EM # 100)
b) Offertory: All Good Gifts (EM # 198)
c) Communion: Taste And See (EM # 152)
d) Recessional: Hail, Holy Queen
(EM # 301)