Tìm Kiếm

17 tháng 10, 2013

XXIX Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year C


A.    To The Holy Mass
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
The Word of God which we are about to listen to this Sunday is a very strong message of why and how we must be persevering in our prayer. 
We pray because we need God’s love and care in order to live in accordance with His Holy Will. We pray to God the way children ask their parents for all which they need, confident that God will soon answer our payer.
Kindly all stand to join in the entrance hymn.

B.    To The Readings
a)     First Reading Ex 17:8-13:
The power of prayer was proved by the victory of the Israelites over their enemy. To win the battle, the Prophet Moses, as leader, did not cease his intercession for the people before the Lord God.
b)    Second Reading 2 Tim 3:14-4:2:
Every and each of the Christian community has to be persistent in seeking divine help so as to fulfill their mission of serving God’s salvation for all peoples and nations. The leaders of the Church, however, are urged to be ever more faithful to their prayer life for the good things of the whole community.