Tìm Kiếm

20 tháng 4, 2019

Easter Sunday - Year C (Apr 21, 2019)

A. Introduction

a) To the Holy Mass

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning, Alleluia! Christ is truly risen today!
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass celebration. We are celebrating Easter Sunday, the Rising of Christ, our Lord and Savior, from the dead, to gain for us Divine Mercy and forgiveness.
We thank our Lord Jesus Christ for His immense love with which He died on the Cross so that we might live in God’s peace and lasting happiness.
We thank God the Father much more for calling our sisters and brothers, who are about to be baptized in this Holy Mass, to share in the heavenly Feast of His Word and Christ’s Body and Blood.
We pray for them to be faithful to their commitment to living up to the Christian values. We also pray for ourselves to be always worthy witnesses to the Risen Lord’s saving power.
Kindly all stand for the entrance hymn.

b) To the Readings

- First Reading: Acts 10:34a.37-43
The Lord’s Resurrection is for ever the greatest of Christian faith events to which the Church from the times of the Apostles has been bearing witness.

- Second Reading: 1 Cor 5:6b-8
Saint Paul invites Christians to show in their new way of life in Christ their freedom from evil consequences of sin.

B. Hymns For Holy Mass

a) ES #111 - “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”
b) EM page 151/ ES #121 “This Day Was Made by the Lord”
c) EM page 152/ ES #103 “Christians, to the Paschal Victim”
d) ES #109 - “Worthy Is the Lamb”
e) ES #168 - “Taste and See”
f) ES #110 - “Regina Coeli”