Tìm Kiếm

25 tháng 10, 2018

XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B (Oct 28, 2018)

A. Introduction

a) To the Holy Mass

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Good morning!
Welcome to Saint Dominic’s Parish Church for the Sunday Holy Mass service. As we celebrate the 30th Sunday in the Ordinary Time today, the Gospel story tells us how the blind man was restored to his eye sight just because he believed in Jesus, Son of David and the Son of God. We, too, need the healing power of Christ, our Lord and Savior, in order that we may see God’s great love in every person, in all forms of life.
Please all stand to sing the entrance hymn.

b) To the Readings

- First Reading: Jer 31:7-9
The Lord God of merciful love will deliver His people from all forms of slavery to the evil forces. This declaration always brings hope to the sinful humanity which can in no way save themselves from the bondage of sin and death.

- Second Reading: Heb 5:1-6
Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was made High Priest by God the Father to offer the sacrifice for sins with His own life. Sharing in our humanity, Christ did His.

B. Hymns For Holy Mass

a) ES #142 - “Jesus Christ, You Are My Life”
b) EM page 220
c) ES #298 - “All Good Gifts”
d) ES #263 - “Love Has Come”
e) ES #354 - “Hail, Holy Queen”