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20 tháng 1, 2014

Homily for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A (January 19, 2014)

Behold, The Lamb of God, Who Takes Away The Sin of The World
(Jn 1:29)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, we hear Saint John the Baptist introduce Our Lord Jesus Christ to the crowd as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”
Why is Christ called “lamb”?
A lamb, that mild and useful animal both in picture and in reality, remains a traditional and integral part of the Jewish religious life first, and then that of Christian faith.
Sacrifices offered to the Lord God in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem for blessing and forgiveness of sins are never lawfully made without lambs being slaughtered and burned.  The solemn celebration of the Passover reminds the eating of the lamb of which the blood marked the Jews who were spared in the night of terror in Egypt.  The Jews practice the ritual sending into the wilderness of the “scapegoat” on which the community throws all the wrongdoings which they have committed. 
Our Lord Jesus Christ was sent as both the Lamb of sacrifice and the scapegoat by God the Father to save us sinners.  Being the lamb of sacrifice Our Lord Jesus shed His Blood on the altar of the cross to wash the human race from sin.  In the role of the scapegoat Christ, innocent though, took all the evil consequences of sin on His shoulders.
Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished His mission of saving humanity from sin and death because He is true God Who has the authority of forgiving sin, and because He is also true man Who can take all responsibility for our sins in our behalf.
Today Christ continues His sacrifice in the Holy Mass to obtain for us the divine mercy and forgiveness of our sins, and, at the same time, to grant us new life in the Holy Communion with His Body and Blood.
We are happy and grateful to take part in this celebration of the Supper of the Lord, being sure that we are children of the Heavenly Father Who so loved us that He gave us His Only Beloved Son to be the Lamb of sacrifice Who takes away all our sins and Who gives us the grace of life eternal.           

Fr. Francis Nguyen, O.P.